Every outstanding product is an outcome of a brilliant Idea. There is no absolute starting point for an ideal organization with huge market space. Look at the market, only few companies have large market space, few of them make an outstanding turnover and very few survive for long time. Perhaps it’s all the management issue. But, there would be no management requires if there is no economy. Management must be most difficult task. But, building a source is not an easier task either. Do you know why a great idea is so important?
A building can survive for long time with a strong base, an economy can breathe even longer with good investment and an old man can live longer with his good life experience. But, who has base, investment and experience before doing experiments, taking risks and failing? No one has knowledge and source at the same time. But, we can make more profit if we have both.
So, if you are the man with sources and want to use your power for making some profit, you must been have to invest on the right idea or concept. If you are the man with knowledge you may need to develop a great idea, ideal for both key investors and customers.
In a study it is proved that 50% of business ventures are failed and die due to lack of a brilliant idea, while 20 % failed due to management Issue and 0.01% is failed by the fate. A brilliant idea is always simple, unique, innovative, effective and risky. The Concept of online supermarkets like Amazon and Flipkart are the great example of simple but effective ideas. It has change the way of shopping. I barely go market for shopping.
Old is Raw Gold, a muse:
Don’t say that I’m taking you to high school. Muse is a word, which can take you back to high school, most of us confused with its meaning, that literally means ‘source of inspiration’.
But, you don’t need to go back to your high school. You should only know that every new idea is the outcome of two old ideas. The idea of taking a supermarket in a website was a great idea; it was the outcome of two different ideas, ‘Supermarkets’ and ‘Service through Internet’. But to accomplish this they need to include the idea of Service Delivery, and hence the Idea of Internet Supermarket makes an inspiration for the idea of Service Delivery.
So, be inspired by the old loco crafts and think of making new flying machine that can beat speed, safety and performance of old auto crafts. But, before that analysis why old machines was so fast and how we can beat the high speed in normal conditions. There is both art and science behind the success of a great idea.
Right Investment brings out right Product:
If you have a glass of English red vine in one hand and bear bottle in other, what’ll chose? Well Bear is more American and wine is a British thing. But both are alcohols, different in matter of composition. One is originated from the grapes and other from the organic tucks like Millet, Rice, and Sugarcane. Both require different sets of time for the fermentation and both need prevention from the direct sunlight, under different humidity and temperature they both developed with different quality, taste and texture.
Investment doesn’t mean that it’s the only investment of money but you’ve to invest more than what you have.
Brilliant Idea is same as beautiful alcoholic demons, is investment of time, observation, skills, work, improvement, analysis and necessary. You must heard that Necessary is the mother of invention.
Constant Development for Long Life:
An Idea is a lifeless thing with a limited lifetime. No idea is perfect. We barely create a perfect thing. It remains perfect until its definition change with time. The only thing that we can do is to improve. Look at the social networking that is the improvement of social hangout. Although these social hangouts have long life but it don’t mean social networking would have long life too.
A Static idea is limited to a fixed timeline. So, we need to make it flexible so it could have a long life. If you look at the traditional way of social hangout, you’ll find it quite different at matter of time, place and orientation. But, in professional approach we consider it with different names like meeting, gathering, social conversation etc have different purpose of execution. The basic idea behind these ditties was communication and relation. But now days it is used for exchange of information, opinion and for enlightenment, which play an important role in the development of an enterprise.
In same way, Social media is developing for a long life time, new concepts are introducing and different people are working together from the rich Diversified background, which is sufficient for the out bringing of new ideas and development of old one.
But still we can’t guarantee these factors determine the success of a brilliant idea, cause it’s depends on the nature of idea, your investment, and your strategy that work together to built it.